Video – Hosiery News Report in French – Translated

Youtube link :

 Thank you so much to Michel from France who did this translation!


Reportage de collants Hosiery news report
Présentatrice : (A Josée, la maquilleuse) Merci Josée. (Au public) Oh non ! Encore une maille ! Les femmes qui, comme moi, portent des bas Nylon régulièrement, peuvent en acheter 2 ou 3 paires par semaine. C’est beaucoup d’argent. Ca peut coà?ter jusqu’à?400$ par année. Est-ce qu’on peut économiser en achetant des bas nylons de meilleure qualité ? C’est ce qu’on va voir aujourd’hui en allant magasiner. Et heureusement, j’en ai une paire en réserve.(Musique et plan de coupe. Dans une boutique de collants.)collant reportage 10 den photo

Présentatrice : (A la vendeuseQuand je magasine des bas nylon, quelles questions je dois me poser, tout d’abord?

Vendeuse : Avant tout, est-ce que c’est une occasion de soirée, ou si c’est un bas nylon, pour tous les jours, pour le bureau, et deuxièmement si on veut une culotte de maintien ou non, et si on va les porter avec des chaussures ouvertes ou non.


Présentatrice Qu’est-ce que je dois regarder pour avoir un bas résistant ?


Vendeuse : Le denier doit être un peu plus élevé. Plus le denier est bas, plus le bas est mince. Et un autre facteur très important, c’est le Lycra dans le produit. Ca existe 100% Nylon, c’est-à?-dire, il n’y a pas de Lycra, alors, à?a risque de descendre sur la jambe. Ca va glisser. Avec le Lycra, à?a reste mieux sur la jambe, et puis c’est plus moulant.


(Musique et plan de coupe. Chez la coiffeuse.)


Présentatrice : (A la coiffeuseA quelle occasion vous portez des bas Nylon ?


La coiffeuse (la dame 1) : PlutГѓВґt dans les soirées. Les parties de Noà?l, les choses comme à?a.


Dame 2 : Dès que je me mets en jupe ou en robe, je mets des bas Nylon.


Dame 3 : Le travail, régulièrement. Les sorties.


Dame 4 : Quand je me mets en robe. Des fois pour le travail, pour une sortie.


Présentatrice (off): Claudine, Amélia, Katia et Sylvie, travaillent à?la maison Saint-Laurent de Longueuil. Elles acceptent de se transformer en mannequin pendant quelques jours.


Présentatrice (de retour à?la boutique de collants) : Nous avons choisi quelques modèles pour nos 4 testeuses. Tout d’abord, un modèle assez simple, je crois.


Vendeuse Le premier, c’est un bas assez mince, mais très bien pour tous les jours. Culotte de maintien, et le pied renforcé.


Présentatrice (off) : Modèle numéro 1, bas de gamme, à?7,50$, 15 deniers, 6% de Lycra.


Dame 1 : J’ai pas vraiment aimé le confort, le bout du bas. Il n’y avait pas de renfort. En plus la première fois que je l’ai porté, à?a a fait une maille. Première journée.


Dame 2 : Il est plus soyeux. Il bouge sur la peau. Le seul inconvénient, c’est qu’il n’est pas durable.


Dame 3 : Avec, on les enfile, juste s’asseoir, se relever, à?a fait des plis.


Dame 4 : Je l’aime beaucoup. C’était confortable dedans pour bouger. C’était souple. Il serrait bien la jambe. Il était assez solide. Rien, pas de maille.


(Musique. Plan de coupe. Dans la rue.)


Présentatrice (A un homme dans la rue) Vous, en tant qu’homme, qu’est-ce que vous pensez des femmes qui portent des bas Nylon ? Est-ce vous trouvez à?a sexy ?


Homme 1 : Bien sà?r que je trouve à?a sexy. J’adore à?a.


Homme 2 : Ca peut être suggestif, comme à?a peut être juste esthétique.


(Musique. Plan de coupe. Dans la boutique de collants).


Présentatrice Le deuxième modèle ?


Vendeuse : Le deuxième, c’est un 40 deniers. Alors, c’est bien pour quelqu’un qui va porter une jupe, qui ne veut pas d’un produit trop opaque, qui couvre complètement la jambe, mais assez soyeux.


Présentatrice Est-ce qu’il est plus résistant ?


Vendeuse : Oui. Parce que le denier est plus élevé.


Présentatrice (off) : Modèle numéro 2. Milieu de gamme. A 12,95$. 40 deniers. 21% de Lycra.


Dame 1 : Bah, moi, le numéro 2, en fait, je l’ai adoré. Le renfort au bout des pieds. Moi, à?a me plaà?t assez. J’ai des orteils mangeurs de bas. Le confort, aussi au niveau de la culotte, j’ai adoré. J’ai aucune maille.


Dame 2 : C’est un massacre. C’est une torture. Il est difficile à?mettre. C’est comme si on avait une couche de bébé entre les 2 jambes. Et on peut pas les monter à?la taille, comme les autres, les premiers.


Dame 3 : Il ressemblait pas mal à?un collant.


(Musique. Plan de coupe. Dans la rue.)


Homme 3 : Ca peut être sexy, effectivement.


Homme 4 : Tout dépend de la personne. Ca fait un plus beau galbe, la plupart du temps.


(Retour dans la boutique de collants.)


Présentatrice : Le troisième modèle, c’est vraiment un modèle de luxe qu’on décide de se payer, n’est-ce pas ?


Vendeuse C’est un produit de designer. Il est de 10 deniers. Alors c’est un peu plus mince. Pied sandale. On peut porter à?a avec des chaussures ouvertes sans problèmes. Et au niveau maintien, à?a contrГѓВґle les cuisses et les hanches. Voyez ? Il est très serré.


Présentatrice (off) : On ne risque pas d’étouffer, par contre ?


Vendeuse Non, il faut prendre la bonne taille, mais faire très attention, parce que si on prend trop grand, à?a risque de rouler à?la cheville.


Présentatrice (off) : Modèle 3. Haut de gamme. 34$. 10 deniers. 24% de Lycra.


(Musique. Plan de coupe.)


Dame 1 : Le renfort au bout du bas est moindre que le deuxième. La gaine est « huh ! ». Je suis étouffée complètement. C’est un peu trop. C’est pas confortable.


Dame 2 : Il n’est pas trop serré. Il est un peu rude sur la peau. Je trouve qu’il est assez transparent. Ca fait l’effet qu’on n’en a pas.


Dame 3 : Au niveau de la jambe ici, c’est trop large. Ca plisse.


Présentatrice (off) : Ca fait des plis ?


Dame 3 : Il faudrait que je le tire, que je le tire. Il descend tout le temps.


Présentatrice Et la gaine ?


Dame 3 : Trop serrée. Vraiment trop serrée. Inconfortable.


Dame 4 : C’est assez confortable. Parfois à?a vaut la peine, des fois de payer le prix. Mais là?, non. Je ne paierais pas ce prix-là?pour ce bas-là?.


Présentatrice (off) : Même si elles ont choisi la taille qui leur convient, deux de nos quatre testeuses se sentent vraiment inconfortables dans le bas numéro 3. Et voici leur verdict final : le premier modèle remporte 3 votes. Le second, 1 vote. Et le troisième, aucun vote. Elles préfèrent le confort à?la durabilité.


Dame 1 : J’ai été très surprise d’être confortable dans un bas Nylon. J’ai été très surprise.


Présentatrice (off) : Si, de votre cГѓВґté, vous préférez un bas plus résistant, n’oubliez pas de vérifier le nombre de deniers. Plus il est élevé, plus votre bas risque de durer. Pour le confort, regardez le pourcentage de Lycra.


Homme 5 (dans la rue) : J’aime bien un look naturel. Je plains les femmes qui en portent. Je trouve que c’est agaà?ant. J’ai jamais essayé, mais c’est ce que je constate.


Présentatrice (près d’une machine à?laver) : Pour que vos bas Nylon durent le plus longtemps possible, l’idéal, c’est de les laver à?la main, mais  on n’a pas toujours le temps de le faire, alors on peut les laver à?la machine, au cycle délicat, mais ce qu’il est important d’utiliser, c’est ce petit sac en filet, dans lequel on met nos bas. Ca évitera bien des mailles. Et voilà? ! Le tour est joué !


*Dear friends, please keep in mind that the funding for this blog comes from the shop section. Please have a look at it.*

Host : (To Josée, the make-up artist) Thank you, Josée. (To the viewers) Oh no! A run, again! Women who, like me, wear stockings on a regular basis, can buy 2 or 3 pairs each week. It’s a lot of money. It can cost up to CA$400 per year. Can we save enough money by buying stockings of a better quality? It’s what we will try to know today, by going shopping. And fortunately, I have a spare pair.(Music and cutaway shot. In a hosiery store.)Host: (To the clerk) When I purchase hosiery, which questions should I ask myself, at first?

Clerk: First, is it for a party, or is it pantyhose for everyday use, for work, and second, if you want a support panty or not, and if you will wear them with open-toes shoes or not.


Host: What should I look for to have more resistant pantyhose?


Clerk: The denier must be higher. The lower the denier, the sheerer the hosiery. And another very important factor, it’s the Lycra inside the product. It exists in 100% Nylon, that is, without Lycra, but it may slide down along the leg. It will slide down. With Lycra, it stays better on the leg, and also, it’s more clinging.


(Music and cutaway shot. At the hairdresser).


Host: (To the hairdresser) What are the opportunities for you to wear sheer hosiery?


Hairdresser (Lady 1): The most often in parties. Christmas parties and the likes.


Lady 2: Each time I wear a skirt or a dress, I wear sheer hosiery.


Lady 3: At work, on a regular basis. Or for stepping out.


Lady 4: When I put on a dress. Sometimes for work or to step out.


Host (off): Claudine, Amélia, Katia and Sylvie, work at Saint-Laurent of Longueil’s hairdresser shop. They accepted to model for us for a few days.


Host (back to the hosiery store): We chose a few styles for our 4 testers. First, a quite inexpensive style, I believe.


Clerk: The first one is quite sheer, but is OK for every day’s use. Support panty and reinforced toes.


Host (off): Style number one. Low range. CA$7,50. 15 deniers. 6% Lycra.


(Back to the hairdresser salon.)


Lady 1: I didn’t really like the comfort, the toes. There is no reinforcement. Plus, the first time I put them on, I got a run. The first day.


Lady 2: It’s quite soft. It moves on the skin. The only trouble, is that it’s not durable.


Lady 3: When I have them on, just sitting down or standing up makes creases.


Lady 4: I like it very much. It was comfortable to move. It’s supple. It clung well the leg. It was quite robust. No run.


(Music and cutaway shot. In the street)


Host: (to a man in the street) You, as a man, what do you think of women who wear hosiery? Do you find it sexy?


Man 1: Of course, I find this sexy. I love it!


Man 2: It can be suggestive, it can also be only aesthetic.


(Music and cutaway shot. Back to the hosiery store)


Host: Second style?


Clerk: The second style is a 40 deniers. So, it’s good for someone who wears a skirt, who doesn’t want a too opaque product that covers the leg completely. It’s quite silky.


Host: Is it more resisting?


Clerk: Yes it is, because the denier is higher.


Host (off): Style number 2. Middle range. CA$12,95. 40 deniers. 21% Lycra


(Back to the hairdresser salon.)


Lady 1: Me, the number 2, I loved it. The reinforced toes, I like it quite a lot. I have toes that are aggressive to the stockings. The comfort, too, at the panty. I loved it. I had no run.


Lady 2: It’s a massacre. It’s a torture. It’s difficult to put on. It’s like I had a baby diaper between the legs. And I cannot pull it up to the waist, like I did for the style number 1.


Lady 3: It looked very much like opaque tights.


(Music and cutaway shot. In the street)


Man 3: It can be sexy, indeed.


Man 4: It depends on the person. It makes the legs more shaped, most of the times.


(Back to the hosiery store)


Host: The third style is really a luxury style that we decide to purchase, isn’t it?


Clerk: It’s a product from a designer. It’s 10 deniers, so it’s sheerer. No reinforced toes, so it can be worn with sandals without problems. And for the support, it’s tighter on the thighs and the hips. See? It’s very tight.


Host (off): There’s no risk to suffocate, at least?


Clerk: No, you must take the right size, but be extremely careful, given if you take too large, it will slide down.


Host (off): Style number 3. High range. CA$34. 10 deniers. 24% Lycra.


(Music. Cutaway shot. Back to the hairdresser salon.)


Lady 1: The reinforcement at the toe is lower than the second style. The panty is "huh!" I can’t breathe. It’s a bit too much. It’s not comfortable.


Lady 2: It’s not too tight. It’s a bit itchy on the skin. To me, it’s quite sheer. It’s like I have no hose at all.


Lady 3: On the leg, it’s too large. It creases.


Host (off): It makes creases?


Lady 3: I should pull it up, pull it up. It slides down all the time.


Host: And the panty?


Lady 3. It’s too tight. Really too tight. Not comfortable.


Lady 4: It’s quite comfortable. Sometimes it’s worth paying a high price. But now, it’s not. I would not pay such a price for such a pantyhose.


Host (off): Even if they chose the size that fits them, 2 of our 4 testers felt really uncomfortable in the pantyhose number 3. Now, the final results. The first style gets 3 votes. The second style gets 1 vote. The third style gets zero vote. They prefer comfort to durability.


Lady 1: I was surprised to feel comfortable. I was very surprised.


Host: If you prefer a more resisting pantyhose, don’t forget the check the deniers. The higher deniers, the more durable the pantyhose is. For comfort, look the percentage of Lycra.


Man 5: I like a more natural look. I pity the women who wear hose. I find it boring. I never tried, but it’s what I see.


Host (close to a washing-machine): To maximize the durability of your hosiery, it’s better to wash them by hand, but we don’t always have the time, so we can wash them in the washing-machine, on the program "Wool", but what’s important is to use that kind of fishnet bag to put the hosiery inside. It will save it from running. That’s all!

collant reportage 3

collant reportage model 40 den

collant reportage 10 den

collant reportage 2

collant reportage 40 den with shoes


Fortissima Run Resistant Pantyhose Sale

Recent review by Michelle:

“It’s so hard to find great quality fashionable stockings that last. I found them!! I love the styles and the quality of these products. Best thing is they take my beatings as I can be a little rough on these things when putting them on and washing them, but theses last really well. Another thing I love about this hosiery is that for a gal sized 11-12 they fit well and don’t ride down on me like many others. The style options speak for themselves though, FABULOUS!”

Do you want to know what it’s like to wear Gatta’s run resistant pantyhose?  Here is a perfect chance to try it and save some money.

This sale is for a limited time only.

  • Discreet shipping
  • Domestic shipping for Canada and USA
  • Fun guaranteed!


This is the softest pantyhose I’ve tried!  Do you want to know what it’s like?  Black and Nude are in stock now too!

Fortissima, Run Resistant by Gatta

This video shows off Fortissima pantyhose by Gatta.  Amazing quality!  Available at the shop section.  Fortissima pantyhose is the softest and strongest from Gatta line.  If you’d be to choose only one style to try, that would be it.

Gatta Brand

The company that owns the brand is called Ferax and it is located in a small Polish city called Zdunska Wola. Perhaps there is not much in that city except for that factory.  That district in general has very well established textile industries.
This beautiful and seductive video is an advertisement for a Polish brand called Gatta and for their run resistant Fortissima pantyhose.  This brand dominates Russian and Polish market and is considered to be one of the most well-launched brands in Poland.

Wearing Fortissima Pantyhose

run proof, non run, tights, Pantyhose advertised here is Fortissima, but probably more like in 30 den.  I only so far tried 15 den and 20 den in Fortissima style.  It came out around 2010 and I got my hands on it right away during my visit to Europe.  Amazed by the quality, I kept on buying more and more of it for daily wear.

It is run resistant, not to say completely run-free, but the quality is really good for the price, that’s for sure.  Such properties are achieved by Lycra Fusion mechanism.  A friend of mine told me that she ripped hers with the zipper from her boot by accident, but it didn’t run all over the place, so she returned home and stitched it.  Still wears it, with boots of course.

Another friend of mine, Michelle, likes this style because she finds that it fits comfortably around her hips. She’s got a bit of a fuller figure.

Have you tried it? I’d love to hear your comments!

Trying on a Russian Pantyhose Brand Gracia

I just returned from my trip to Europe, wearing on my flight back for the first time a pair of Russian pantyhose of Gracia (Грация) brand.  You can learn more about my trip through in my pantyhose diary if you’d like.

Some people try exotic foods when they travel, I try exotic pantyhose.  It’s been a while that I wanted to try this brand, but I just couldn’t get it anywhere for obvious reasons – this label is only available in Eastern Europe and is not designed for export. Грация label, in Cyrillic letters, would not sell anywhere else.

I passed through Moscow for work and I visited an old friend of mine, Natasha.  She greeted me wearing beautiful black pantyhose.  Later she returned, complaining that she got a run in them, but saying that they lasted her many wears.  I asked what brand it was and she said – Грация (Gracia).

Next day I had to leave, so I didn’t even know if I’ll have a chance to buy myself this brand.  So just in case I asked her if I could have those pantyhose, just to try them on.  She didn’t mind me asking, but she didn’t want to give me something that was already damaged.  Actually she even looked through her pantyhose drawer and pulled out many 40 den pantyhose of different colours by the same brand, looking for another sheer pair, but she had none left.  Realizing how much I wanted to try it, she even offered me to ship a pair to Canada, but I declined, since I didn’t want her to go through the hassle.

pantyhose by Gracia Russian brand with reinforced toesLuckily, I found a pair of pantyhose by brand in a store – the style displayed on the photo above, 20 den, sheer to waist, with reinforced toe.  I asked for whatever colour they had, except for black – turned out they had Mocca.  Fine, I took it, but I must admit it looks more like dark tan rather than real Mocca.

Somehow for my whole trip it was really cold, so I was walking around in 40 den pantyhose.  But on my flight back to Vancouver I decided to lighten up and look glamorous, since a special someone was supposed to meet me at the airport.

I put on Gracia pantyhose for the first time in the morning, getting ready for my flight.  Let’s just say, I was a little nervous since I never tried that brand and besides Natasha’s positive feedback had no idea if it will survive for such a long period.  What if I end up with a huge run in them?

pantyhose by Gracia Russian brand with reinforced toes close up 2Reinforced toe already cheered me up, at least that means it’s more durable in that section.  Interestingly, it had a thick border at the beginning of the reinforcement, almost like a statement saying that the toe section begins!  Also, I noticed that the band was quite broad and elastic and held on well.  It didn’t have a control top, but a t-top with a cotton gusset.

That proved to be very good eventually because I never felt like I had to pull up these pantyhose throughout my flight and two transfers.  It survived at least 24 hours on me and when I took it off it had no runs or holes.  Excellent quality!  Now the only regret I have is that I didn’t buy more.

After checking the website of the manufacturer, I realized that they have some really nice advertisements.  Here are some of their pantyhose ads.  Do you notice that they feature only skin-tone and black colours?



Digital Art by J. Aton: Even Wonder Woman Needs Run-Resistant Pantyhose

Even Wonder Woman has trouble finding run-resistant brands!  This painting of a Wonder Woman and her hosiery problems is by J. Aton.

You can see more work by Aton here:

Run Resistant Hosiery

Some Styles of Run Resistant Hosiery are Available at the Shop Section!

This article is by T. Gallagher from USA, an industry expert and a person with great knowledge about different types of run resistant hosiery.  We express such gratitude to him for taking the time to write for Fantasy Stockings blog and share his knowledge.

buy run resistant hosiery for better performance

This is a package of Brooke’s run resistant pantyhose.

See if you can relate to this story. Its Monday morning, you hit the snooze on your alarm clock one too many times, and now you are running late for work. You are in a full blown frenzy desperately trying to get out the door. You rush to brush your teeth, shower, get dressed, do your hair, and get your makeup just right. You open a new package of your favorite pantyhose. You slip your feet in, gently slide the hose up your legs, tuck yourself in, only to realize that you have a huge run up the back of your leg.

Seriously, what business professional wants to be in the middle of a presentation and realize she has a glaring unsightly run up the side of her leg for all to see?  For that matter, who wants to be at an elegant dinner party or wedding and discover a snag has opened up into an unsightly hole or ladder? Ladders, rips, runs, and snags are often cited by women as the main reason they don’t wear or stopped wearing hosiery including pantyhose stockings and tights.

There is a solution: Run resistant hosiery technology. Run resistant hosiery technology does exist and has been around for decades. When manufactured correctly, hosiery that utilizes run-resistant technology is not only more durable it actually increases the appeal and experience of wearing hosiery. Run-resistant hosiery technology is relatively inexpensive to incorporate in the manufacturing process.

For years, the hosiery industry chose to shelve run-resistant technology. Hosiery manufacturers were slow to embrace and invest in new advances in sewing and textile equipment and processes.
They were content with the status quo and followed the short sighted logic that they would lose business and profit if they made hosiery that was durable. "Sell more to make more profit" was the prevailing thought process of most hosiery manufacturers. Instead of making a product that would last, they chose to make a product that was prone to fail. Had the manufacturers incorporated run resistant technology when it first became available, one could argue more women would still be wearing hosiery today.

buy run resistant hosiery

Run resistant technology for hosiery involves a two-step process.

The first step in producing run resistant hosiery involves changing how the fibers and threads forming the hosiery are stitched, machined, or woven together. In regular hosiery (prone to ladders, runs, rips, and snags) the fibers and threads are plain stitched together which is a looser weave or stitch process. In run-resistant hosiery, the weave or stitch is tightened up. Tightening the weave is referred to as the knotting process or lock stitching. In some hosiery, the knotting process or lock stitching is focused on key areas prone to runs including the waistband, panty, crotch, gusset, heel, toes, and the transition point between the panty and leg. In true run resistant hosiery, the knotting process or lock stitching is incorporated throughout the entire product from waistband to toe.

The second step in run-resistant hosiery involves blending the original nylon fiber with another synthetic or natural fiber. Some examples include acrylic, acetates, cotton, lycra/spandex, polyesters, polyethylene, polyurethane, and polyvinyl, rayon, silk, and wool fibers. The most common blend in hosiery is to combine nylon with lycra/spandex. By increasing the amount of lycra/spandex content, the more run-resistant the hosiery becomes. For example, a pair of pantyhose with a 80% nylon and 20% lycra/spandex blend is going to be more run resistant or more durable than a pair with a 90% nylon and 10% lycra/spandex blend. One drawback to incorporating more Lycra/Spandex into the blend is the denier or thickness of the hosiery increases. A true sheer pantyhose blend would have a 86% Nylon and 14% Lycra/Spandex content. Anything more would result in a heavier denier or thicker ‘tights like’ hosiery product.

buy run resistant hosiery for better performance

run resistant hosiery won’t snag easily

A shortcut would be to stop at the stitching process. However, the finished product would be rougher and uncomfortable to wear. Likewise, blending nylon with lycra/spandex fibers alone would still lead to ladders, rips, runs, and snags. To achieve wearable run-resistant hosiery both steps must be utilized.


An early example of a run resistant hosiery brand that I remember was the Brooke Shields Forever Sheer Non-Run Pantyhose. Brooke would sell her brand of hosiery on infomercials only. During her half hour commercial she would take knives, forks, staples, scissors, and other sharp objects to her hose and show they would not snag or run. The visual demonstrations were quite effective and consumer response was strong.

More recently, Microfiber technology has been incorporated in the manufacturing of hosiery as a way to increase run resistance. Microfiber technology is also a process of blending fibers. Microfibers are more commonly synthetic fibers although some natural fibers have been incorporated in the process. The shape, size and combinations of synthetic fibers are selected for specific characteristics, including: softness, durability, breathability, thermal regulating, and wicking properties. Microfiber is also very elastic, making it ideal for hosiery. Microfibers allow for stronger more durable hosiery at lower denier or thickness. Not only does microfiber technology enhance run-resistance… Microfiber technology increases overall comfort, durability, fit, and feel of hosiery. Have you ever felt hot or tend to perspire wearing hosiery? How about a binding sensation or itchy feeling from a pair of pantyhose? Ever have a pair of pantyhose or tights lose their shape, sag, or bunch up/wrinkle at the ankle? Thanks to the incorporation of microfibers into hosiery those problems can also be a thing of the past.

buy run resistant hosiery for better performance

Example of a hole in run resistant hosiery. This specific one is from Forte run resistant tights by Fiore.

High end manufacturers of hosiery in Europe were the first to incorporate run-resistant technology including the use of microfibers in their hosiery products. Brands like Wolford, Falke, Kunert, Gypsy, Gerbe, Filodoro, Elbeo, Cette, Pretty Polly, and Transparenze all have incorporated run resistant technology and the use of microfibers into their product lines. United States brands like Hanes, Berkshire, Just My Size, Leggs, No-Nonsense and Silkies were soon to follow. They all have released run-resistant hosiery in their product lines. Asian manufacturers have also started producing lines of run resistant hosiery.

One can only hope that hosiery manufacturers have learned from their mistakes of the past… opting for the wise choice to embrace improved processes and technology that lead to better products for their customers.


Have you tried or do you have a favorite brand of run resistant hosiery? Tell us about it and share your story below.


Vintage Youtube videos for Other Run Resistant Pantyhose

1990 Run Free Pantyhose commercial

K-tel “Perfect Pantyhose” commercial

*Friends, please check out the shop section, this is what funds this blog. At the moment Gatta and Fiore run resistant hosiery is available to buy.*

Kim Basinger in Golden Lady Pantyhose Commercial

I remember watching this commercial and wondering how they made it so sensual.  Kim Basinger (the actress from the first Batman movie) has amazing legs and her attitude is so sexy.

I also just recently tried Golden Lady, 20 den – one of those in a square box package that you see in Kim’s trunk in the commercial.  That type of pantyhose is not folded around a cardboard insert, it’s just stuffed into a little compact box.  Well, when I took it out, it wasn’t neatly folded, it was all wrinkled like crepe paper.

My experience overall was positive, but I can’t really say that it feels great.  I liked that they made the toe reinforced, but I am so already not used to seeing pantyhose without a gusset.

Golden Lady brand is not known in North America, but it is very common in Europe.  It is made in Italy and has a good reputation.  I have a couple of other styles on hand from this brand, so I’ll give it a try.


Trying on dark grey Wolford Pantyhose – Neon 40

These pantyhose were sent to me by my Canadian fan.  They are shiny, 40 denier, and very resistant.  Glorious Wolford Neon 40!

Here are some photos of me posing in them on the bed and at the grocery store.  Yes, that’s how I go grocery shopping!  Even for simple daily chores I prefer to look at least semi-decent.  In fact, at that grocery store I ran into probably at least 10 people from work, so I don’t want to look bad if that happens.

Thank you for sending them to me, my Canadian friend, they are very special!  This memory will stay with me forever of how I tried Wolford Neon 40 pantyhose.

Update at a later date:  I traveled with this pantyhose all over the world and let another model try it – she loved it!


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Low Rise Pantyhose – most long lasting pair ever for that kind of price!

Has anybody tried it?  I am about to!  Low rise pantyhose are very popular among teens.

OK, just put on a pair of low rise hipster tights by Gabriella brand.  They are in fact very cheap, so I’d like to put them to a test.

Material: The fabric is not soft, it’s sheer, but feels a little rough to touch.  Still seems very durable though, especially because of the reinforced toe.

In terms of low rise: I must admit that this is my first time trying this on.  It feels nice around the hips.  I don’t feel like it is too low.  I guess for those times when I used to wear pantyhose under pants, this would be perfect.

Yesterday I was talking to a woman who said that her mother brought her some warm pantyhose.  She pulled up her sweater and under her jeans she had very high rise control top, but her jeans were low cut.  It looked kind of strange, but I guess maybe she pulls up the pantyhose so high on purpose for extra warmth around the waist.

low rise pantyhose

Reinforced Toes


Update from 3 months after opening that pair

– Still no runs!  I wore it probably at least 7-8 times.

– This pantyhose survived Velcro (a boy next to me on the plane landed his jacket’s sleeve on my leg)

– I notice irregularity in the weave (see defects section), but this as it turns out, doesn’t affect the durability

– I can’t really say that the fabric is soft, but it fits well and doesn’t slide off the hips.


Update 8  months after opening this pair

– Still good!  I wore it on my trip to Europe and even did a photoshoot in it.  No runs.  I love this low rise pantyhose!

low rise pantyhose

Low Rise Pantyhose

*Friends, the only funding for this blog is from the shop section.  Please indulge your pantyhose obsession and show some support for my work!  Your purchases make this blog possible.*